Over 30 years experience
More than 40,000 hands-on hours, 1000’s of cases resolved.
The clinic has been involved in the successful resolution of a wide variety of pain management cases including, but not limited to, the following conditions:
- Headache symptoms from cluster migraines to low grade daily discomfort
- Extreme TMJ and jaw related neurological problems
- High impact head and neck injuries
- Pain as a result of compressed cervical nerves and brachial plexus involvement
- Rotator cuff issues
- Bursitis, tendonitis, and arthritic pain in joints throughout the body
- Carpal tunnel
- Tennis elbow
- Bronchial ailments
- Lower back, hip and pelvic disorders
- Hernias
- Scoliosis
- Sciatic pain
- Patellar tendonitis
- Chronic chondromalacia
- Knee pain from inflammation, impact and over use
- Shin splints
- Chronic and acute ankle sprains
- Plantar fasciitis
- Morton’s neuroma
- Turf Toe
Get to know our
We pride ourselves in top-notch therapists

Paola Feher
Massage Therapist/IAYT-Certified Yoga Instructor
Paola began studying movement with Brian Dorfman in 1991 and received her master’s degree in biomechanics from Montana State University in 1997. Her studies focused on observations of bodies in motion with an emphasis on movement as it relates to performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation. Upon graduation Paola founded Bozeman Center for the Healing Arts, where she combines her knowledge of biomechanics with her training in massage and yoga to focus on the resolution of injury and chronic pain. Paola’s program offers certification, via Yoga Alliance, for students in a 500 hour program. In addition, Paola returns to the coast with frequency in order to continue her work and studies with Brian.

Enrica “Kika” Shabot
Yoga Instructor/Nutritional Counselor
Kika has been doing yoga for over 20 years and teaching at her own studio in Mexico City for the past 15. She received her certification through North County Yoga Center, run by Brian Dorfman, and continues to study regularly with Brian in Mexico and in the US. In addition, Kika has studied Yoga Therapy extensively with TKV Desikachar. Her instruction is consistently guided by therapeutic principles. With a strong desire to learn as much as she can in the healing realm, Kika continued her studies with post graduate training in functional nutrition and is currently involved in a post graduate training program in medical family therapy as well as one in yoga therapy with AG Mohan and Ganesh Mohan. Kika organizes annual workshops and retreats with Brian in Mexico City and other places throughout the country. She also manages the Mexico City office of Dorfman Kinesiology where she works with patients doing yoga therapy and nutritional counseling.

Nicole Lonner Dorfman
Co-Owner/Office Manager Morro Bay/Writer
Nicole is a professional writer who works with Brian in producing his articles and blogs as well as the BDK facebook page and youtube videos. She is currently working on a book to document Brian’s work as an alternative health care practitioner within the modern medical system. In addition, Nicole is a long time yoga practitioner and teacher. She often assists Brian in his yoga trainings and retreats. Her chanting and musical skills provide a unique flavor to these events. Nicole manages the Morro Bay clinic and helps organize personal retreats here as well. She is the person to contact if you want more information, need help with reservations at a local inn, or require assistance in any way with setting up your retreat. She also provides fabulous home cooked meals to retreat participants, using the freshest ingredients from her backyard garden and other local sources.

Belinda Pearl
Social Media Manager & Creative Director
Belinda has a diverse background, with 25-years of mindful movement, meditation, and holistic well-being as her foundation of study. She applies this holistic approach to her marketing, management, public relations, and web design. She believes in creating an environment that empowers people to rise into their fullest potential.
Belinda has delved into the fields of biomechanics, sports science and athletic coaching. She continues to immerse herself in various yogic teachings, which include indepth studies into holistic and alternative therapies. Throughout her career she has worked with people from all arenas of life, some of whom include Olympic medalists and world-record holders in track and field. Belinda infuses her myriad of experiences into creating a space for health and well-being. She looks forward to helping you find your path towards a peaceful, passionate and successful life.