Massage, Yoga, and Traditional Chinese medicine
are primary tools to maintain health, wellness, and quality of life
At the Dorfman Kinesiology Clinic we believe in a Holistic approach using massage, yoga, and Traditional Chinese medicine as primary tools to maintain health, wellness, and quality of life.
We also offer acupuncture, cupping, herbal formulas and other Traditional Chinese medicine modalities. To maximize the experience, we offer personal retreats for individuals and small groups in the serene setting of a quiet beach town on the California Central Coast.
- Massage Therapy
- Yoga Therapy
- Traditional Chinese medicine
- Personal Retreats
Get to know our
We offer an innovative approach to classic methods

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is an essential ingredient of any formula for optimizing health and well-being. Scientific research continues to validate what we at Dorfman Kinesiology see every day with our patients: that massage therapy provides tremendous benefits to the individual, ranging from the alleviation of pain and discomfort, to relieving the tensions and stress of daily life.
Brian Dorfman has maintained his own massage therapy practice since 1985 and is an internationally recognized healer. His ability to treat injuries has made him indispensable among Olympic and professional athletes, including national and world record holders in a number of different sports.
Along with assisting athletes of all ages and abilities to perform at their best, Dorfman Kinesiology Clinic specializes in using massage therapy to address long term and unresolved cases of pain and discomfort. To experience the healing power of massage for yourself, please contact us to schedule an appointment or arrange for your own personal retreat with Brian.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Oriental medicine is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine in history, with recorded instances dating as far back as 2,000 years. Acupuncture is the most widely known type of treatment in this system. The National Institutes of Health recognize the usefulness of acupuncture in treating addiction, fibromyalgia, headaches, cramps, back pain, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel, asthma and much more.
At the Solana Beach clinic, acupuncturists Trevor Fox, Gavin Garcia, and Michael White utilize this ancient system of medicine in conjunction with massage therapy to optimize the health and recovery time of their patients. Acupuncture, herbology, nutrition, cupping, gua, sha, moxibustion, exercise, qigong, tai chi, and meditation are all tools used to enhance patient wellbeing and are expertly tailored to meet the needs of each individual.

Yoga Therapy
The benefits of yoga have long been recognized in the east while the western mind is only beginning to grasp the deep and far reaching implications of a regular yoga practice on everyday health. Such benefits include alleviation and prevention of pain and disease, rehabilitation and prevention of injury, stress reduction, weight loss, a balance of the body’s physiological functioning and enhanced mental clarity.
A master yoga teacher, Brian Dorfman has 30 years experience offering group classes and private instruction. Influenced by TVK Desikachar, Brian’s teaching remains centered on the breath, and postures are precisely sequenced to enhance their therapeutic effects. Whether working in groups or with a single student, Brian’s intention is to encourage each individual to attain a personalized, balanced practice. He incorporates movement, breathing and meditation to create an environment for the student’s innate wisdom to develop.
Brian is a regular instructor at yoga teacher trainings with Sundara College at the Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, CA.
If you are interested in private yoga instruction, please contact us about scheduling a personal retreat or training session where you can work with Brian in a one-to-one or small group environment.

Kinesiology is an in-depth study of Human Anatomy and Physiology with an emphasis on the coordination between the different functions. Tenets of Kinesiology help us understand how to move correctly, eat correctly, regulate hormones, and stabilize respiration, for example. Maintaining the health and coordination of these different systems promotes a high quality of life. This is the overall goal of Kinesiology in practice.
At the most basic level, everyone can benefit from utilizing correct positions for sitting, standing and walking. Imbalances in our posture and biomechanics result in a variety of ailments including lower back issues; head, neck, and shoulder pain and immobility; and carpal tunnel symptoms. These conditions and others can be resolved and prevented with postural and biomechanical adjustments. At Dorfman Kinesiology, a wide range of athletes, from elite dancers to recreational runners, have benefited from biomechanic evaluation and correction, to prevent and resolve injury and to excel in their chosen pursuits.