Dorfman Kinesiology has been providing exceptional holistic treatments for 35 years. Many want to know the secret to our success, so here it is. First off, we are unflinchingly devoted to results. If you feel better, then our work has been successful. Secondly, our quest to help you feel better forever, centers on taking care of the anatomy and physiology.
Anatomy is the hardscape, or form, of the body and includes the skeletal and muscular systems as well as the organs, veins and all other physical components. Caring for the anatomy involves those things related to posture, movement, day to day positioning, ergonomics, and anything that is interrelated with our muscles, bones, tendons or ligaments. Physiology, on the other hand, relates to the functioning, relationships and internal chemistry involved with digestion, circulation, respiration and hormones, as well as the electricity of the nervous system. So, while the heart is part of the anatomy, the circulation of blood through the heart is the physiology.
When it comes to health and wellness, what’s good for the anatomy is good for the physiology. Two of the most important elements in this equation are food and stress. If we eat the right type of food for who we are and what works for us, and utilize the different types of tools out there to minimize stress, then we will experience significant benefits in terms of our overall wellness.
Our anatomy and physiology are actually created and continually rebuilt by the food we eat. They are storehouses for nutrients, and they transport material, both good and bad. In this way there is a direct correlation between what we eat and the functioning of our anatomy and physiology function. Over the years, I have come to realize that eating right is actually more important than exercise for overall health and vitality. This may sound strange from a Kinesiologist who’s spent a lifetime focusing on movement, but it’s true.
When I give my body the essential nutrients it needs to operate at an optimum, recovery of the anatomy and physiology is hyper-stimulated. When my body is not getting the required nutrients, however, the quality of my digestion, respiration and circulation will be negatively impacted, along with all other physiological processes that depends on such essential nutrients for proper functioning. And the effects are cumulative. (For more information about food and diet please see our blog post, Eating for Optimum).
Speaking of stress, in general, we know that stress can be emotional or physical, it can be wear-and-tear, it can be “good” stress from getting older, or going through puberty or caring for young children, or “bad” stress from financial worries or caring for a sick family member. No matter if the stress is good or bad, the basic idea is to minimize the stress-response, and influence recovery of the anatomy and physiology.
We tend to use the term “Fight or Flight” to describe our nervous system when it behaves as if it’s “running from the tiger” and “Rest and Digest” when the system is relaxing, absorbing nutrients and getting rid of toxins. Although stressors can be quite different today than they were in the past, the nervous system doesn’t distinguish between losing our cell phone and being attacked by the tiger. The physiological response can be the same.
Fight or Flight response has a unique effect on each organ. While most people are aware of the correlation between stress and heart attacks, many remain in the dark about the effects of stress on other organs. The liver, the gall bladder, the kidney, and the digestive tract, to name a few, are also affected by the stress-response. Digestive issues such as IBS, colitis, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn are direct by-products of stress and its effect on our organs. The liver, when under stress, has trouble purifying the blood. As a by-product, our nutritional uptake gets depleted and our energy can get low. In the lungs we find the effects in shortened breath, contracted and rigid plural tissue, and decrease of mobility in the thoracic vertebrae and spinal area, which impedes the circulatory function to the brain.
And when the Fight or Flight response affects the kidney/adrenal area, the stress gets amplified. The kidney/adrenal area becomes the main hub of the electrical stress response and it’s the lower back which feels the repercussions. The kidney/adrenal area acts as a grounding rod, like a lightening rod on a house, and all that extra neurological charge gets stored in our lower back because that’s precisely where the kidney/adrenals are located. Our understanding of how stress and lower back pain are interconnected is key to our success in quickly resolving lower back issues, without invasive treatment or addictive medication. (For more information about stress and the nervous system, check out Relax Your Nervous System)
At Dorfman Kinesiology, we look to results as a way to influence our treatments. Over 90% of the people who come into our office are in pain, so I decided early on that we would prioritize reducing pain first. Therefore, when someone comes to our office with neck pain, I only focus on pain relief. Once we get relief from the pain, then we can expand to a more holistic approach, which will involve the balance of the anatomy and physiology.
For example, the person coming to our clinic with neck pain will tend to lift their shoulder up to their ear and compress their neck, yet they have seen 11 different medical practitioners, without one saying, “if you put your shoulder down you could help your neck feel better”. Sadly, such conversations and effective solutions rarely arise in conventional medical treatment. At Dorfman Kinesiology Clinic, however, we always address issues of the anatomy and physiology if we believe it will bring positive results. We strongly encourage all our patients to eat well, avoid toxins, minimize stress and take care of biomechanics and positioning at home, at work and at play.
Another distinction between this holistic approach and the allopathic approach of conventional medical providers is that they spend the first 10 hours on diagnosis while we dedicate the first 10 hours to treatment and results. Our patients typically experience relief from pain within 2-8 treatments. And this without risky procedures and addictive opioid medication, ever.
If you are considering an appointment at Dorfman Kinesiology for acute or chronic pain, we are going to help you feel better forever. That’s our end point.