Athletes & Sports Injury, Feet, Toes, Ankles and Knees, Fingers, Thumb, Hand & Wrist, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis
Swelling is a common, yet rarely diagnosed, underlying cause of much physical discomfort. It is not something that gets photographed in X-rays, MRI’s or CAT scans and as such, remains an invisible, untreated culprit. Unresolved swelling can lead to serious issues...
Head, Neck, Jaw & Shoulders, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis, Posture, Biomechanics, Gait & Mobility
The shoulder is a complex area in terms of the structure of the bones, joints, musculature and attachments. It is more involved than the other areas we have written about, such as the lower back, hand and wrist. In addition, the shoulder is one of the most mobile...
Lower Back & Hips, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis, Stretching & Flexibility
As I have written a lot in these pages about lower back pain, its causes and cures, I feel compelled to address the current outbreak of fungal meningitis that has been linked to a steroid treatment for lower back pain. In this procedure steroids are injected into...
Lower Back & Hips, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis, Stretching & Flexibility
In following up on my first post in this series on lower back pain, here is a short video detailing 4 stretches that you can do today to help your back feel better forever. As I stated in the previous post, lower back pain is consistently addressed, in the majority of...
Fingers, Thumb, Hand & Wrist, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis
My son Avery jammed his thumb when he was about 2 years old. I’m embarrassed to admit that it took a while for my wife, Nicole, and I to notice, and then we wondered if he was actually born with a crooked thumb – (photos attest to the fact that he did once have a...
Fingers, Thumb, Hand & Wrist, Medical Errors & Misdiagnosis
The Mayo Clinic states on their webpage for Osteoarthritis that this condition “gradually worsens with time, and no cure exists”. In their lexicon osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, which results from the breakdown of the cartilage, which only increases over...